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Weaver, J. D. (1995).  Disasters. Audiotape produced by Barbara Alexander for On-Good-AuthorityVol. IV, Tape 6.  Side One contains John Weaver speaking on disaster mental health issues.  Side Two contains Jeff Mitchell, Ph.D., describing his Critical Incident Stress Debriefing process.  For information or to order, please phone: 1-800-835-9636 (or visit Barbara's website:

Weaver, J. D. (1999). How to Assist in the Aftermath of Disasters and Other Life Crises. In L. VandeCreek & T. L. Jackson (Eds.), Innovations in Clinical Practice: A Source Book - Vol. 17 (pp. 397-411). Sarasota, FL: Professional Resource Press. For more information, see this link: 

Weaver, J. D., Morgan, J., Dingman, R. L., Hong, B. A., & North, C. S. (2000, August). The American Red Cross Disaster Mental Health Services: Development of a Cooperative, Single Function, Multidisciplinary Service Model. Journal of Behavioral Health Services and Research, 27, 3, pp. 314-320. 

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Weaver, J. D. (2001). Crisis Counseling - Parts 1 & 2 (230-0480 & 230-0484).  Closed Circuit TV programs/videotapes produced and broadcast by PRIMEDIA Healthcare.  For more information or to order, please visit: 

Weaver, J. D.  (2001).  Report from Ground Zero. Audiotape produced by Barbara Alexander for On-Good-Authority series Grief: A Collection. Tape 1.  The Disaster Mental Health (1995) tape was also re-mastered and is included as part of Tape 4 in this series.  For information or to order, please phone: 1-800-835-9636 (or visit Barbara's website:

Weaver, J. D.  (2002).  Disaster Mental Health: Trauma Relief Concepts and Theory.  In Zubenko, W. & Capozzol, J. A. (Editors).  (2002).  Children and Disasters, A Practical Guide to healing and Recovery. New York: Oxford University Press, pp. 34-71.

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Weaver, J. D.  (2003).  Co-traumatization: The Cost of Caring (313-0274).  Closed Circuit TV Program/Videotape produced and broadcast by PRIMEDIA Healthcare.  For more information or to order, please visit: 

Weaver, J. D. (2004). Prevention and Postvention of Workplace Violence. In T. L. Jackson & L. VandeCreek (Eds.), Innovations in Clinical Practice: Focus on Violence Treatment & Prevention. Sarasota, FL: Professional Resource Press, pp. 97-116.

Weaver, J. D. (2005). Disaster Mental Health Services. In L. Grobman, Days in the Lives of Social WorkersThird Edition (Chapter 26). Harrisburg, PA: White Hat Communications. The chapter was also included as Chapter 25 in the 1999 (Second Edition) and Chapter 19 in the 1996 (First Edition) of this book. For more information, see this link: 

Weaver, J. D.  (2005).  Reflections on 9/11-Related ARC DMH Activities Following the Terrorist Actions in Western Pennsylvania and New York City. In Danieli, Y., & Dingman, R. L., On the Ground After September 11, Mental Health Responses and Practical Knowledge Gained (Chapter 36). Binghamton, NY: The Haworth Press, pp. 226-230.

Weaver, J. D.  (2007).  Disaster Mental Health. Washington, DC: NASW.

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Weaver, J. D.  (2007).  Disaster Mental Health: People are Always Changed by Disasters and Other Traumatic Life Events, But They Need Not Be Damaged By Them. In Mental Health Section Connection (Issue Two).  Washington, DC: NASW, pp. 8-10. 

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